Here at Oriental Academy, we conduct competitions quite regularly so that our students improve their abilities and develop the skills for their better performance at school as well as for future growth as well. Competitions are the best way to hone the skills of an individual and also help in the development of a student’s physical and mental skills.
Races are another way to improve a child’s physical and social development. At Oriental Academy, we lay special focus on our student’s skill development by conducting different races including sack race, lemon race, banana race, etc.

Competition has its own benefits:

“Knowledge is the only kind of wealth that multiplies when you give it away".
At Oriental Academy, we focus on boosting the general knowledge of our students on a variety of subjects such as current affairs, personality development; induce healthy competitive spirit, general knowledge, science and technology amongst the students. Hence, we conduct regular quiz competitions for our students.

Storytelling is a unique human skill shared among people far and wide and opens up the vivid imaginations that run wild in children. At Oriental Academy, storytelling competitions are also organized so as to build confidence among the students and enhance their speaking skills.
We always have our young and vibrant storytellers come forward with wonderful and interesting tales. The stories are judged on the basis of expression, confidence, diction, and presentation skills of a student.
An essay is a piece of reflection- can be a literary critique, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, personal recollections, etc. Essay competitions at school help harness the energy and creativity of the young in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development.
Our school organizes these events to help our students in giving the best exposure to develop their skills.